The last few months have seen many of the people we have been supporting at Napier move on to their dispersal accommodation. We are keeping an eye on numbers and tailoring our offering accordingly. August was sadly a difficult month with the eruption of far-right protests targeting asylum seekers around the UK. We continue to […]
This week we returned to the University of Kent for a second access to higher education day. The trip was extremely popular with over forty residents from Napier Barracks signing up to take part. Many people with experience of forced migration have to abandon their studies midway. Equally, some never had access to education, so […]
Wednesday 19th June 2024 Napier Drop-In Centre hosted two successful collaborations with The Body as Data Project, and Custom Food Labs Locavore Garden. We began the day with art and movement, creating a participatory artwork where people covered a large scroll with footprints. The artwork started in Margate and has made its way around the […]
For Refugee Week 2024 Napier Drop-in Centre is running a special dance and movement workshop with The Body-As-Data Project. Join us on 19th June when we'll be hosting an inclusive movement workshop open to the community and residents of Napier Barracks, followed by a meal. On 20th June the project continues with a walk at […]
We have a website! Thanks to the hard work of Anthony Browne at Anthony Browne Creative and funding from Jesuit Refugee Services we now have a platform where we can share practical information and updates about upcoming sessions, news, and stories related to our work. Please share!
On Monday, 29th April, stories started circulating in the media that the Home Office were going to begin rounding up asylum seekers to be detained for removal to Rwanda. A cruel stunt designed to claw back votes in the upcoming local elections, this spread fear and panic through the communities we support. Right to Remain scheduled […]
In April, Napier Barracks Drop-in Centre partnered with the University of Kent to arrange a visit to the Canterbury campus for 38 residents from Napier Barracks wishing to learn more about studying in the UK. Often, asylum seekers find themselves having to flee and abandon their studies mid-education, and some may never have had the […]